If you refuse to provide a detailed inventory of the stuff in your scrap stash to your inventory for fear of someone finding out how much "expendable" income you blew on your hobby...
You might be a hoarder.
If the idea of opening one of 2 identical packs of rubons/embellishments results in you needing to self medicate your way out of an anxiety attack...
You might be a hoarder.
If the fire department on suggests you have them on speed dial simply because your home is "uncharacteristically combustible"...
You might be a hoarder.
If your local LSS has a picture of you in honorable mention for no reason at all other than the fact that you have been the main reason that they are still running in the black...
You might be a hoarder.
If you've ever tried to work out an alternate package delivery routine with your letter carrier (i.e., if it's a package, take tuck it behind the hedge on the side of the house) to throw the "dogs off your trail"...
You might be a hoarder.
If your spouse has been led to believe that you are a frequent major contest winner in the scrapbook industry despite the fact that you have yet to enter even the first one...
You might be a hoarder.
If visitors to your house think that you sell crafting/scrapbook supplies (at first glance)...
You might be a hoarder.
If LSS owners contact YOU to see if you have an item that a customer is looking for BEFORE they call the supplier...
You might be a hoarder.
Trust me, she who dies with the most stuff does not win. She who dies with the most [insert your fav overstocked item] only leaves her family with an altered appreciation for her scrapbooking (and I don't think it's a good kind of altered either.
Hoarding has been a topic of jest for as long as I can remember becoming a card totin' members of Excessive Crafter Club. The jokes, the horror stories, the sad consequences some have had to face...it's all went hand in hand. For some scrappers, having excess is a way of life. For others, it's a been there, done that, addiction that they worked their way out of. Still for others, the idea never took hold.
There are some who find it easy to lump the excess accumulation of scrapbooking materials into one file and calling it all greed. But I think that that is pretty narrow minded when you consider that we are all individuals. The reasons for hoarding, in my opinion, are as varied as the types of items that are collected (for lack of better word).
Type I: The Fatalist Hoarder
There are some who subscribe to the "they'll eventually run out/stop making it" philosophy when it comes to shopping for supplies. It doesn't matter that there are 50 items on the shelf, the idea that not everyone will love the item as much as she doesn't register. I've even heard women justify their exorbitant purchase by questioning the financial security of the company that manufacturer it. These women don't shop without the grey cloud of impending retail gloom hanging over their heads and because it it they treat their scrapbooking supplies like Ruffles potato chips... please don't make me expound on the slogan...
Type II: The Bargain Hoarder
This type of hoarder loves a good sale and has been known to flip out and lose touch with all reason when confronted by a clearance or store closing.
- There is the woman that used to frequent the LSS down the street (I don't so I don't know if she still does). When the store was closing to switch ownership, the new owner liquidated much of the existing inventory at 40-60% off. This woman brought both of her daughters into the store to each carry 2 baskets as she threw stuff into the baskets using some odd ordering system that I couldn't discern. I remember this woman because I stood in line for 20 minutes waiting to pay for my 4 $3 packs of MM Rubon Alphas. The store owner (who was teaching a class in the back) finally got her class to a point where her assistance could be redirected to the front of the store for a few minutes to check the waiting customers out. When I left the woman's total was reading over $500...and she still had 2 baskets on the floor to ring out.
Type IV: The Unintentional Hoarder
This person, be it through poor organizational skills, limited easily viewable storage options or simple misinformation, simply doesn't have a good grasp of what she currently has in stock.
- I'm not all that ashamed (anymore) to tell everyone about the time that I bought a bulk lot of MM metals on Ebay and stuck the box somewhere out of the way. I don't even flinch (anymore) when I tell people that a few months later, after buying the 2nd such lot on Ebay later, I decided to get serious about reorganizing my stash only to discover that I'd acquired about 150 little packages of metal embellishments (many in duplicate). My problem was that I took SOME of the items out of the first big box and stored the rest away and... how does it go? Out of Sight...
Type II: The Trend Surfing Socialite Hoarder
This is the person who acquires a little bit of everything just for the conversation value in being able to say, "ooh, I have that!". Whether or not the woman buys all of this stuff is irrelevant if she is actually crankin' out the layouts to justify the purchase...BUT once it's used she can't really say that she "has" it...it becomes a "had" and anything past-tense is passe'...therefore the back up is ever present.
Type V: The Simple Trend-Surfer Hoarder
The primary difference between this hoarder and her social sister is the fact that this particular hoarder doesn't give a rats behind if anyone knows what she has...and often prefers that they don't. She buys because the industry has put it out and she likes it. She buys in excess for whatever reason tickles her fancy. She may buy more tried an true things in excess than other thing or she might just buy 2 or 3 of everything 'just in case'. The main thing to her is that she is doing what she wants and to hell with the status quo or peer opinions.
Type VI: The Empty Nest-er-not Hoarder
Er-not meaning that the empty nest could simply be a previously unused room that that has been transformed into a "studio" (or something). This person is trying to achieve a particular look...and that look is usually called "well stocked".
Perhaps she doesn't like going to the store too often (or at all) and therefore feels that anything less than 40 rolls of adhesive refills is unacceptably reckless planning and a danger to her minimal shopping mantra. Perhaps she just doesn't like the 'echo' in the room (real or imagined) and needs to fill up that dead air with product. Maybe she doesn't like the fact that some of those pretty penny storage items are sporting unused space (and where there is space, there is a need to dust?). What ever her reasoning, it appears that this type of hoarder has a goal oriented approach to her madness... does it make it better? Don't ask me.
Type VII: The Emotional Hoarder
Some people eat to release stress. Others exercise. Still others shop. Need I say more?
On the serious side, I think that a large part of the need to hoard is the result of an external influence. Not to blame the industry for yet another scrapbooking ill, but do you think that if there wasn't such constant turn over of product available that hoarding would be as prevalent as it is? I don't think so. I started my hoarding addiction when I discovered CI Extreme Eyelets 6 months too late and couldn't find that in any store (online or otherwise). It was then that I realized that just because it's a hot item doesn't guarantee that they will be around when you get around to it. In the end, I guess it was a good thing that I couldn't find it, but I still get the occasional longing.**
I've found that I've been guilty(?) of being a combination of several types of hoarders, and I've even rationalized my habits into categories not listed here.
I'd love to hear hoarding stories, good or bad. I'd really love to hear about how the whole nasty dragon was avoided... or slain. Do think that with the steadily increasing consumer awareness and dissatisfaction with the rapid trend turn around, that hoarding will become less of a "common" occurrence? Reasonable prices? Less trend waves? Individual capacity sensors that shut off our credit cards when our scrap stash reaches dangerous limits?
**I am a hoard survivor and very proud of it.
oh boy..too true. GREAT topic CS. I think I'm a hoarder to an extent..I mean..come on..I TRACE my pressed petals and GinX chipboard alphas. It's a sick disease I swear. I also think that I have gotten better due to a spending freeze. I used to be a have to have the latest and greatest..and hopefully I wasn't one who boasted that I had it. Now I just use what I have. I've even used full letters without tracing them! *gasp*
I am SUCH a hoarder. I'm working on it, though. I'm saving up my money for a big trip and I'm hoping that will get me out of the spending habit.
Although, now that I think about it, maybe there should be another type of hoarder. I'm kind of a cross between types V and VII. At the same time, I use my stuff. I don't by duplicates (unless it's because I USE it and I know I'll need more... chipboard letters, certain rubons, etc...). My problem is that I buy faster than I use, and then I have old product sitting around accumulating because I always want to use the new stuff. Working on that, but it's hard.
I notice a lot of people talking about not buying anymore, but does anyone actually do it? Aside from walking away from the magazines and internet all together and staying out of the stores, is it possible? Hey. Maybe I should try it :D
It's absolutely possible! I haven't bought anything (other than a replacement cutter for my POS Fiskars) in about 5 months. It's liberating really! Now if I could just find the desire to create.
I'm also a crosse between V and VII.
But some of the hoarding has to do with the "get it before it's gone" mentality created by products being discontinued so quickly. I was trying to be on a spending freeze when last weekend I read that the albums I use have been discontinued. So just in the last few days I have bought 2 more albums and 4 packs of refills because I want to be sure I have them before I can't find them anywhere.
I also love to read about other people's hoarding because I like to live vicariously. :)
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