Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Purty Papers ... The Nonsensical Side of My Hoarding

I too a trip through my stash last night. I was looking for papers to toss into the pot for a swap that I am participating in and I figured that I could stand to let some of my embellies loose on Ebay as well. All was going well until I came to 'the drawer'. "The Drawer" is a place in one of my organizers that is reserved for my unscrappable papers. By unscrappable, I'm not talking about paper that is ugly enough to make your eyes bleed. I'm talking about my out of sight and mind hidey hole for papers that I adore entirely too much. Thy drawer runneth over.

So I got to thinking...something that I try not to do with any regularity...Why was I still holding on to this paper? Why not use it before it loses it's appeal? The answer escaped me, much the same way it did when I asked myself the same question 6 months ago. It really doesn't make much sense to not use what I have in that drawer.
Yes, I do still like it, and I KNOW without a doubt that once I use it, it will be gone forever (some of it is a year old!)but I really don't see a reason to 'have' a piece of paper sitting in a drawer.

Nothing but air and opportunity. That's what my husband would say. All that stood between me and turning that paper into something fabulously creative was my desire to have it forever. Now I just want it purged. I don't want to hold onto my stash anymore. I'm not ready to give up scrapbooking, but I am ready to break the chains that my hoarding habits have used to bind my creativity.

There is something to be said about having less, that's for sure! Less means that you have to rely heavily on your own creative spirit. Having less means that you grow and master your craft. Having all of this excess has stifled my creativity to the point where just starting to scrap is painful. Having a special section reserved for 'special' stash no longer works for me. I need to be released!

So...tonight, I'm going to take my own advice and start assembling more kits. This time the kits will be for my 'thouper thspecial' papers and embellies. Tonight I will regain control over my stash! I haven't scrapped in a great long while and I think it's high time that I took this bull by the horns.

Tonight is kit night and my goal is to make up at least 12 of them. If anyone wants to join me in my fight against the hoard, feel free to post how many kits you're making up.

I can do this...I know I can...though I may have to call in a dorkfish for some moral support. I'm just rambling here. Sorry for the nonsense post, but I had to put my intentions in writing, lest I chicken out again.



Anonymous said...

hoarding is a problem for almost every scrapper I know, myself included. I know that I'm guilty of buying various sb supplies, including paper, because of the "it's so cute I just have to have it" mindset. It's only recently that I have started to think about how or whether I would actually use an embellishment, patterned paper, etc.,or whether I just like the design. If I can't think of a use for the product, I won't buy it.

The last two sb projects I've done-2 8x8 albums-were gifts, and I deliberately limited my choice of paper and embellishments for both albums. This has worked really well-the design of both albums is cohesive, and I was much more excited about what I was making.

I'm going to see if I can continue to use this method.

Jenn :) said...

Now what the hell could a dorkfish do for ya? ;)

Can't wait to hear how the kit theory comes through..I think it sounds fabulous and should totally give it a shot myself!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking of doing this myself. Let us know if this works for you!