Monday, June 25, 2007

To Scrap...or Not To Scrap...

I have been thinking about why I don't scrapbook as much as I used to. I always think about why I don't scrapbook as much as I used to. I think about not scrapbooking more than I actually scrapbook! I pondered and pondered this much of the weekend and then...I made a list of the reasons for not much as I used to. Wanna hear it? Here it go...

  1. I'm too stinkin' tired to scrapbook. My kids have been working on my last nerve for about a year now and recently my husband (obviously sympathetic to their cause) decided to join them on their little crusade. By the time I get done cleaning up after people who should be able to clean up after themselves, I just want to vegitate. Sometimes I take out pictures and think about the good old days (when they couldn't walk or talk and when my hubby actually cared if his wife did a Linda Blair-Exorcist impersonation)...but it never fails that my reverie is broken by someone screaming about somebody else looking at them or breathing on them.
  2. I have too much stuff to scrapbook. I hate the idea of getting "caught up" when it comes to scrapbooking. It's a term that implies that somehow you will stop generating memories. I still hold that you only stop making memories when you you can't actually be caught up. Still, I have so much to scrapbook in order to feel caught up to this years memories. I can hear the clock ticking on my ability to remember all of the special details of the photos that I've set aside for scrapbooking. Did you know that the imaginary sound of a ticking clock can creatively cripple you?
  3. I have too much darned scrapbooking stuff. Excess is a serious hinderance to creativity unless you have a mind like a library catalog and a photographic memory attached to it. The act of making decisions about my layouts can sometimes make me want to give up the goose and quit. Believe was much easier when it was just pens, paper, and some stickers.
  4. I used to sip the koolaid. I emersed myself in that silly world of scrap acceptance and almost lost myself. I now stay away from it...but by the power of personal strength. No, I stay away out of fear of once again losing myself. The fact that I've chosen to stay away doesn't reverse the negative effects of my 2 years of immersion though. While the twitch I used to get whenever I'd put a layout online is gone, I still struggle with scrapping in a way that is true to myself. Oneday, I won't have to ask myself if I like my layout because oneday, I won't have the battle between my need for validation and my need to scrapbook for myself raging in my head. I struggle with the emotional baggage that resulted from years of trying to mold myself into what the industry told me that I should be...but then again, who doesn't?
  5. I'm a crafty mutt. Sewing, drawing, jewelry making and scrapbooking all compete for what little bit of attention (and sanity) that my family leaves me to play with. I am literally sitting at my computer looking at shelves and shelves of scrapbooking stuff to my left and shelves and shelves of pretty gemstone beads and Swarovski crystals on my right. It never fails that while I scrapbook, I think about making jewelry and while I'm making jewelry, I think about scrapbooking. How could I possibly be expected to choose? Oh, and the day that I sew a crystal on my scrapbooking page or use my scrappy charms on a piece of jewelry will be the day that I give them both up...I just couldn't take it if my supplies went all 'multipurpose' on me.
Now that I have it in writing...maybe I'll be able to do something productive about getting motivated. At least that's what I hope will happen. Well, I guess, since I'm looking at the darned stuff, I should get off the computer and go do something with some of it.



Anonymous said...

Are you me? lol. Once again, I feel like I was reading my own thoughts here!

The other day I did a killer sketch for a layout I want to do. I was so excited that I had finally made a step towards getting something done. So what do I do? Lay on the couch with my book thinking, gee. I should go up and scrapbook the page that I sketched. But the very thought of doing it just makes me tired. (Of course, when I'm at work and can't do anything about it, I'm totally in the mood. Figures, right?) So nothing gets done.

I just decided that this must mean that I need the break, so I'm not pushing myself. I want to want to scrapbook. Does that make sense? lol. I don't want to just chuck it all, but I want to find a way to get that desire back. Maybe it just takes a while to get all that koolaid out of the system before being ready to go back and start fresh :D

The Conscious Scrapbooker said...

I heard that if you drink lots of water, the koolaid will be processed out a lot faster....

As of right now, my eyeballs are floating...

Anonymous said...

Nothing lfe changing to say at all but just wanted to comment that I love your blog - very thought provoking. :)

Anonymous said...

OK I think I got a great idea for you : reverse scrapbooking !

Pretend for a moment that you have an online store and that you have to come up with next month's SB kit ...
Chose 3 coordinated sheets of paper and cardstock
Chose 3 simple embellies (max)

Keep in mind that this kit is for some kind of VERY ZEN LO (which you and I need!)

Now back to reality : you have created a very neat kit with your favorite stuff (old or new who cares !)

You have exactly 15 minutes to chose a couple of pictures to scrap


Anonymous said...

Amen sister! And I'm not religious but I know exactly where you are coming from. Keep up the wonderful writing. It's such a pleasure to read.

Anonymous said...

I remember when I first started scrapbooking...the good ole CM way...LOL...I had two little kids under the age of 3 and I scrapbooked so much...every day. They would nap, I would scrapbook. I made album after album after album. Nowadays, I have a whole room devoted to scrapbooking, a million different scrapbooking embellishments, thousands of pieces of paper, tools everywhere and absolutely no drive to sit in there during the day or night and scrapbook.

I don't know why this is...I love scrapbooking. Maybe it is just too much...too much stuff that clogs the brain. I want to get back to completing albums and not just thinking about it...

Anonymous said...

I have had this very conversation with several of my scrappin' buddies.
I think the industry has created a monster really... it is always the newest, better, more improved... and scrapbookers have natural impulse to buy into it because it imcompases all of we love... color, texture, individualism + ... all wrapped up with the fact that it is for our family, our postarity, our own personal story.

Sometimes I think it would have been a lot easier to just scrapbook if I hadn't ever exposed myself to the industry... It was like showing a kid markers of all colors when said kid was used to using crayons with limited colors.
In my narrow world of limited coloring crayons... I made it work. Now with the entire gammet of marker colors... it is harder to choose.

Ugh, such a quandry.
We want more... but when we get more it cause us to stop or slow the process of producing down.

I say... it is time to go back to the basics... will the masses listen... no, but on a personal level, perhaps those that do choose to "simplify" and "create" for the pure enjoyment will once again find bliss.

Anonymous said...

I soooooo know what you are talking about!! I've been scrapping for only two years but I'm feeling now that I've hit a REAL slump! Every LO I try to make ends up sitting at my table, and I loose interest and go do something else. I have had contest after contest that I've wanted to enter in the last month but cannot get my creative b%TT in gear to create anything for them! I would love to get out of this rut but can't see an end in sight!