Thursday, May 24, 2007

Change # 20,401...

Okay, my plans for making kits didn't work out last night. I had a few jewelry orders to get started on and then there was the AI finale to watch. I'm so glad that Jordin won, I have my reasons, but I won't waste my time expounding on them.

I'm really starting to worry about my scrapbooking. It used to be that I would move planets and stars to clear up time for scrapping. Now, if I run out of time, I just don't scrap. That little priority bug is screwing things up for me big time!

I don't think that I have a block because I have ideas flowing freely from my mind. I think I am having issues with keeping my scrapping thoughts in the positive light (gee..I wonder how THAT could've happened!). I need something to kick start my interest level again.

I wonder how people juggle numerous crafting skills without neglecting any particular one? I would love to be able to effectively sew, scrapbook and make jewelry without leaving either hobby in the dust. Oh well...

I'm seriously considering taking a week off of any hobbying so that I can get my house in order. School is out in a couple of weeks and that means that my son will be home...all day...most likely eating and creating chaos. I have this silly notion that if I go through and do another spring cleaning he will feel the urge to pick up after himself to preserve that state of cleanliness. I have that notion every summer, but I won't give up hope... yet.

On a good note, I made $81 yesterday! A lady at work wanted to see my jewelry creations and promptly pounced on an earring, bracelet, and necklace set that I made. She then called her friends to look at the other bracelets that I'd made and I sold a few of them as well! Now I'm being commissioned to make 12 different bracelets and to dismantle an antique necklace to create 3 bracelets for a lady I work with and her daughters. I am so happy that my creative ability is being validated, but I can't help but wonder if I am following the right path. It's not like I love jewelry or anything...I don't wear the stuff hardly. Is there a name for someone who can be proficient in a craft without truly developing an appreciation for the output? Lame, perhaps. At the end of the day, I guess all that matters is whether or not I am happy. The answer is yes...and I guess I'll leave it at that.



Anonymous said...

Being happy at the end of the day is what matters. And, I don't think you have to be bedecked in jewelry to do it as a craft. It sounds as if it's a good creative outlet for you, and nice, too, that you can make $$$ from it.

Jenn :) said... glad to hear that you have sold some of your jewelry!! I knew it would happen!! While I love looking at it all and admire those who wear jewelry..I rarely remember to put any on myself...but since I don't really ever dress nice it would be kinda silly huh?

Anonymous said...

hey, if you have a talent for making jewelry, go for it. It doesn't matter if you wear it head to toe or even wear it at all.

Think of the bald male hairdressers out there, they don't style, color, straighten their own hair, but they have profected their craft and can perform wonders on others.

Kim Sonksen said...

YAY you!!! I love your jewellery and I so happy for you that you are selling those babies!

As for the Kits - give it time, everything happens for a reason and in a certain time frame. You will put some awesome ones together!

The Conscious Scrapbooker said...

Thanks for all of the support gals(?)! It really does feel good to have someone understand my multifaceted and borderline Sybil emulating mentality. I do like making problem crops up when people ask me the fated 'how much' questions. The reasoning behind my struggle is the same reasoning I used to avoid doing any freelance drafting jobs...I just don't like to talk about money. I'm an employers dream!